Scope: a family holiday with some amateur radio operation and not a trip whose main aim is amateur radio operation
Duration: 2020 4 weeks, 2021 five and a half weeks.
Choice of locations: reasons why locations were chosen
Why /A and not /P type of operation
Property types to be rented: what we look for and why, what you can’t assume
Getting permission to put up antennas: the approaches that have worked for me
Preparation for trip: both radio and non-radio aspects, limited space for equipment in vehicle, home unoccupied
Modes of travel: car and ferry and their advantages
Keeping it simple: prioritising what to bring, making antennas easy and quick to put up and take down, expecting to do this up to 3 or 4 times on a trip. Plan ‘B’ aspects -mitigations when things go wrong
Site logistical challenges: some of the things I have encountered
Choosing the room to operate from: main factors leading to decision
Safety hazards to consider: both to humans and animals.
When and how often I operate: and how it doesn’t impact of main holiday aspects
Costs: car ferries, house rentals, etc
Covid restrictions: what they did and didn’t impact, avoiding constraints
Operating in USA/Canada: may or may not include, but could include a brief summary of where I operated from and what I used.
The presentation will have photos and at least one video.
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