League Table Notes


The rules for the SRCC League Table for 2023 are shown below, together with guidance notes. They are very similar to the 2022 rules, with only two changes made, neither of which will make a significant difference to League Table operation:

  • the listing which provides the list of DXCC entities (“countries”) has been changed – the new listing, produced by the RSGB, appears to be kept more up to date than the previous one
  • extra wording has been provided to formalise a behaviour which has been recognised in practice for some time. This allows entrants operating multi-operator stations using a callsign other than their own to claim points for contacts they have made (provided the callsign of the operator can be clearly identified). This will, for example, be of benefit to operators in VHF NFD or demonstration stations.

The specific details are as follows:

2023 RULES

The key characteristics of the League Table are as follows:

  • it runs over a 12-month period coincident with the calendar year
  • entry is restricted to members of SRCC and is entirely voluntary
  • points are earned on a monthly basis based on having contacts with one or more of the following:
    • different DXCC entities (“countries”) on HF
    • Maidenhead Locator “big squares” (eg. IO91) on VHF
    • SRCC members (including the Club call G3SRC/GX3SRC).
  • a tabulation of monthly and yearly cumulative scores per section, plus commentary, is published monthly in the SRCC Newsletter and on the SRCC website
  • the SRCC Club Cup is awarded annually to the SRCC member with the highest total number of points for that year
  • in order to minimise the effort involved by both entrants in submitting entries and those running the scheme in processing and publishing the results:
    • each DXCC entity, Maidenhead square or SRCC member counts only once per month irrespective of band or mode
    • entries are accepted on a trust basis and entrants will not normally be expected to submit logs to provide proof of claimed hearings / contacts (although the SRCC Committee reserves the right to request visibility of logs).

Points are earned on the following basis:

  • two points for each separate DXCC entity (“country”) contacted on HF during the calendar month (irrespective of band, mode or power level)
  • two points for each separate Maidenhead Locator “big square” (eg. IO91) contacted on VHF during the calendar month (irrespective of band, mode or power level)
  • two points for each SRCC member contacted (on either HF or VHF) during the calendar month (irrespective of band, mode or power level)
  • an additional 1 bonus point may be claimed when qualifying stations are contacted during contests. Thus a contact made with a station in JO01 square during a 144MHz RSGB UK Activity Contest would earn (2 +1) = 3 points.

Entries for a given month, listing each DXCC entity (HF), Maidenhead square (VHF) or SRCC member claimed and the associated points, should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to the SRCC Contest Co-ordinator (Quin Collier G3WRR, ) by the 20th of the following month and results will be published in the subsequent Newsletter. Thus entries for (say) May would be submitted by 20th June and the results published in the Newsletter issued at the beginning of July.

Submission format

A suggested submission format providing minimum information is shown below, although adherence to this format is not mandatory provided the information shown is present. (Entry formats used by current entrants will continue to be acceptable).

Comments on conditions, bands / modes used, interesting stations / prefixes, etc. for inclusion in the monthly write-up are most welcome but are not mandatory.

Published format

Two monthly tabulations are produced:

  • a detailed listing per section for the most recent month showing, for each entrant, the number of DXCC entities / locator squares / SRCC members contacted and the resultant monthly points. An example is shown below:

A brief commentary covering band conditions, details of any particularly interesting stations heard / etc. is also provided.

  • an annual cumulative listing per section showing monthly and cumulative points for ` each entrant. An example is shown below:

A few points of detail for clarification are as follows:

  • for the purpose of the league table, “HF” means any amateur band below 30MHz, and “VHF” any amateur band above 30MHz
  • contests” means any contest organised by RSGB, ARRL, CQ, Practical Wireless or UK Six Metre Group
  • the same DXCC entity (HF) or Maidenhead “big square” (VHF) may be claimed each month for points, but in a given month can only be claimed once even if contacted on multiple bands/modes
  • contacts made via terrestrial relay based systems (eg. repeaters or echolink) or during multi-operator events will not count for points
  • the list of DXCC entities and prefixes to be used for HF contacts is published by ARRL and at the time of writing the latest version is at the following URL: https://rsgb.org/main/operating/licensing-novs-visitors/international-prefixes/
  • where the same station contacted falls into more than one of the categories of DXCC entity / Maidenhead square / SRCC member, it can be claimed for each of the categories that apply. Thus G3WRR in JO01 on 4m could be claimed as both SRCC member and Maidenhead square (provided that square has not been claimed already that month)

  • it is the callsign of the station worked, rather than that of the operator, that applies. Thus contacts made by operators G9DEF and G9XYZ using the call G9ABC would not count separately
  • where an entrant operates from more than one location during a particular month, the same DXCC entity or Maidenhead square may be claimed only once, for the base callsign of the entrant. Thus G9ABC could only claim a contact with 5X1 once, against the call G9ABC, even if he had contacted it separately from G9ABC, GW9ABC and VE3/G9ABC
  • QSOs made by an entrant using a callsign other than his / her own may be counted during the month as part of the entry. But each DXCC entity (HF) / Maidenhead square (VHF) / SRCC member can only be claimed once per month.

Queries will almost inevitably arise. Please do raise them with Quin G3WRR at – he does not bite.

Quin Collier G3WRR SRCC Leaguemeister