SRCC League Table

SRCC LEAGUE TABLE – November 2024 

The number of entrants, five, and their identities are the same as in October. First place for the second consecutive month goes to Ian M0CGF, followed by Quin G3WRR who moves up three places to second, displacing Ray G4FFY, Steve G4FYF and Rick M0LEP by one place to take third, fourth and fifth respectively. The monthly listing for November is as follows:      

M0CGF 88 182 
?G3WRR 59 59 177 
G4FFY? 38 28 114 
G4FYF? 10 22 
M0LEP 16 

The following notes are provided by the entrants… 

G3WRR: A real non-zero entry for a change! All claimed QSOs were made in the CQWW CW contest: this is always a good opportunity for making a good country total and (if you’re lucky which I largely wasn’t) also for picking up new rare ones. Struggled for about half an hour trying to get DU0A (Philippines) on 40m without success. But ho hum, it’s only a hobby…    

G4FYF: Radio fun time limited this month. six of nine QSOs on 10 meters, rest 40 meters. Interesting QSO with U4MIR, a retired cosmonaut who was commander of mission to Salyut 7 followed by two missions to the Mir space station.   

M0LEP: Storm Darragh has given my hex beam a twist, so I’ll have to get out and set it back to pointing straight when the storm’s over. For now, it’s stuck pointing somewhere generally southeast-ish. The DXCCs were mostly from SOTA chasing, with ten metres providing all but one of them. The SRCC Monday morning 80 metre net of course also gives me one reliable SRCC contact. 

The cumulative annual results to date are as follows:  

G4FFY 114 223 89 123 157 265 91 116 103 146 114 1541 
M0CGF 100 86 78 162 182 608 
G4FYF  28 40 68 38 30 70 52 68 52 68 22 536 
G3WRR  63 18 42 45 30 15 177 399 
M0LEP  14 22 20 46 22 14 22 38 28 16 246 
G3ZPB  69 83 152 

.The positions have not changed since last month, and Ray’s lead now seems to be unassailable.  The summary of the present conditions is almost identical to last month’s viz. SFI unpredictable on a day-to-day basis but still well above the predictions. The source of the predictions was the SolarHam website operated by VE3EN at those interested in solar activity (both generally and in the terms of its impact on radio propagation) it’s well worth a look. In addition to large amounts of (regularly updated) data on various aspects of the topic, it contains very clear explanations of some of the solar-weather related terms (such as coronal hole, coronal mass ejection, geomagnetic storm etc.) we know but may not understand fully.  

73, Quin G3WRR  SRCC Leaguemeister