Do You Live in the London Borough of Croydon – Continued 15/07/2019 Colin Lugard 0 Do You Live in the London Borough of Croydon – Continued I should have added to my post that the Croydon survey has to end […]
Do You Live in the London Borough of Croydon? 15/07/2019 Colin Lugard 1 Do you live in the London Borough of Croydon? I understand that the status of our parks and open spaces has temporally changed. The Croydon […]
UK Callsigns – I’m curious! 15/07/2019 Steve Jones 1 RSGB IARU contest group was using call GR2HQ over this weekend. Our UK domestic allocations are GAA-GZZ, MAA-MZZ, 2AA-2ZZ. Re the G series, I’m obviously […]